The Ultimate Guide to Medieval Helmets

The Ultimate Guide to Medieval Helmets

Posted by Kaswords on 14th Sep 2023

Have you ever wondered what it's like to wear a knight's helmet from the past? These ancient helmets have a unique history. These helmets, used by knights in days of yore, held a significance beyond mere protection. Each helmet carries within it a story, a piece of the past waiting to be unearthed.

So, let's talk about their history, explore the different types, and understand their contemporary significance. Also, we will discover where you can find these intriguing relics today. Come explore medieval helmets with us if you like history, reenactments, or are just curious!

Content To Explore:

  • Unveiling the Past: A Glimpse into History
  • Types of Medieval Helmets: A Closer Look
  • Great Helm: The Towering Guardian
  • Bascinet: Versatility Meets Elegance
  • Close Helmet: Protecting the Face
  • Sallet Helmet: The Graceful Guardian
  • Barbute Helmet: Italian Innovation
  • Sugarloaf Helm: Simplicity and Effectiveness
  • Nasal Helm: The Tradition of Simplicity
  • Knight Helmets: Symbols of Heritage
  • Contemporary Use: Keeping the Past Alive
  • Buying a Medieval Helmet Today

Unveiling the Past: A Glimpse into History

To understand the significance of medieval helmets, we must first step back into history. The use of helmets dates back to ancient times. These were used by Romans and Greeks among the earliest civilizations to incorporate them into their military attire. But in the Middle Ages, from about the 5th to the 15th centuries, helmets became even more important.

Medieval knights, the epitome of chivalry and valor, relied on helmets as a crucial armor component. Helmets were more than just protective gear; they were symbolic of a knight's social status and identity. These helmets evolved, reflecting advancements in metallurgy and changes in combat techniques.

Savor the World of Medieval Helmets

Before we journey into the captivating realm of medieval headgear, indulge in a delightful discount at Kaswords. Explore a vast selection of wholesale Greek helmets types and budget-friendly options.

Enjoy a 5% discount on orders between $300 to $500. More than that, get a tempting 10% discount for orders between $500 and $1000. Also, a delectable 15% discount for charges ranging from $1000 to $1500 is waiting for you. Your helmet adventure begins at Kaswords.

Types of Medieval Helmets: A Closer Look

Medieval helmets came in various styles, each designed for specific purposes. These helmets not only protected the wearers but also reflected the craftsmanship and needs of their time. In this section, we'll explore different types of medieval helmets, including those favored by knights.

1. Great Helm: The Towering Guardian

  • The great helm, also known as the "pot helm," was a colossal helmet widely used during the 13th century. Its primary goal was to provide maximum protection. This massive helmet covered the entire head and featured a T-shaped opening that allowed knights to see and breathe. Its imposing appearance struck fear into the hearts of adversaries, making it a symbol of strength and invincibility.

2. Bascinet: Versatility Meets Elegance

  • As the 14th century approached, knights sought a more versatile option. The bascinet helms emerged with its rounded skullcap design. Further, many bascinets featured detachable visors, striking a balance between protection and visibility. Knights appreciated its elegant yet practical design, making it suitable for various combat situations.

3. Close Helmet: Protecting the Face

  • Towards the late 14th century, the close helmet, also known as the "pot helm," gained popularity. These helmets provided full protection. Further, you could easily lift up their visor to get a better view when you weren't in a battle. So, this flexibility allowed knights to have full-face protection when needed and unobstructed vision when the situation demanded it.

4. Sallet Helmet: The Graceful Guardian

  • The 15th century introduced the sallet helmet, known for its elongated and graceful design. Sallets often featured a movable visor and an extended tail. Also, these types of helmets offer added protection for the neck. More than that, knights admired its aesthetic appeal and functional design, making it an ideal choice for those who valued both style and safety.

5. Barbute Helmet: Italian Innovation

  • Originating in Italy during the 15th century, the barbute helmet stood out with its unique T-shaped design and the absence of a visor. Also, the Y-shaped opening for vision made this helmet a distinctive addition to medieval armor. Knights appreciated its innovative approach to balancing protection and visibility.

6. Sugarloaf Helm: Simplicity and Effectiveness

  • In the late 13th century, knights commonly used a helmet known as the "sugarloaf helm" because it looked like a cone-shaped sugarloaf. This helmet was created to redirect hits away from the head, providing both safety and usefulness. Its straightforward yet efficient design made it a dependable option in battles.

7. Nasal Helm: The Tradition of Simplicity

  • Among the earliest medieval helmets, the nasal helm was prevalent from the 9th to the 12th centuries. It featured a straightforward conical shape with a single nasal guard for facial protection. This design reflected the tradition of simplicity in medieval armor.

8. Knight Helmets: Symbols of Heritage

  • Closed Knight helmets often featured personalized symbols, crests, and designs that represented a knight's heritage and achievements. These could choose from various fantasy knight helmet styles, such as the great helm, bascinet, or sallet. Further, customize them to reflect their identity, creating a sense of pride and honor.

These diverse medieval helmet types reveal the evolving nature of armor and the unique needs of knights throughout history.

Contemporary Use: Keeping the Past Alive

Medieval helmets may not see real battle these days, but their influence lives on. Modern enthusiasts and history buffs love to recreate these helmets. These give folks a taste of medieval times. They wear them at events and reenactments to experience history up close.

What's more, the film and entertainment industry often looks to medieval armor for inspiration when creating epic battle scenes. So, while knights and different types of knight helmetsmay be from the past, their legacy continues to thrive in the present.

Buying a Medieval Helmet Today

If you want to own a medieval helmet today, there are affordable options of good quality available. Here's what you need to know:

  • Price: Medieval helmets come at various price points. You can find authentic replicas from $200 to $1,000 or more. For budget-conscious buyers, mass-produced helmets start at around $50.

For a convenient and affordable choice, check out Kaswords, where you can buy a variety of helmets. They offer wholesale Greek helmet options for those interested in multiple helmets.

Whether you're a history buff, collector, or just want coolmedieval helmet styles, finding one to fit your style and budget is easier than ever. Explore the deals on Kaswords for both quality and affordability.


In history, medieval helmets are symbols of bravery. They're not just for safety; they're treasures from the time when honor and courage mattered a lot. If you are a history lover, check the Unveiling the Majesty of Medieval Body Armor: A Journey into History.

From the big great helm to the stylish bascinet, these helmets let us see the past and keep us interested today. So, whether you love history, act like a knight, or are just curious, medieval helmets can take you on a journey to a legendary time.

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