The cyborg ninja that wields this sword is known as Sparrow, whom was given this title originally as an insult but later adopted it as a nickname. His ultimate move unsheathes his technologically advanced katana that delivers a fast-swinging Swift Strike to viciously cut down his enemies. We have masterfully recreated this unique mech katana from tip to end using only the best quality materials. The blade is constructed of 1095 high carbon steel that has been given a striking black finish. just like the video game, the blade features a painted bright green hamon in a wave-like design. Each piece of the metal handle has been meticulously painted to look like the real deal. Included with this replica high-tech katana is a wooden scabbard that features a matte black finish and matching metal accents for an overall sleek appearance. Overall Length: 38 inches, Blade length: 26.5 inches