Roundtable Riot Two Finger 100% Pure Brass Knuckle Paper Weight Accessory

SKU: 11D4-BN2872
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I knew there were cheaters at the table when I sat down, before, even. They’re more fun to play. I mean, are you really playing if everything is up to luck? No, I find it more fun to base the game off of how well the players read each other. A table with more than one cheater is something I hadn’t experienced before so after observing the table from afar and realizing they were all cheating I got curious and decided to join. It was more of a test of skill and an answer to a curiosity than anything else. If I had known it would devolve into a fist fight, I probably would’ve joined even sooner.

The Roundtable Riot Two Finger 100% Pure Brass Knuckle Paper Weight Accessory is a two-finger brass knuckle with a spade wire-cut through it. The knuckle is composed of pure, solid brass so there’s no question about its strength or durability. Above the both finger holes there is a spike that makes this pocket-sized Hail Mary all the more effective. With full 1-inch finger holes this knuckle will fit anyone and with its 3.26-inch length it will fit anywhere on your person in pockets and bags easily. The Roundtable Riot Two Finger 100% Pure Brass Knuckle Paper Weight Accessory gives off a beautiful shine due to the brass so you could just as easily display it if you would prefer. Overall Length: 3.26 Inches. Weight: 167.8 g.

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